Friday, December 11, 2015

Should I Ask the Department of Revenue for Help with my Child Support Matter?

Often, parents need help in establishing or enforcing a child support order, which may include establishing paternity. When this is the only assistance that they need, it may be beneficial to contact the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, who have Attorneys available to assist parents with these matters. As noted on their website, DOR can:

  • Determine what services are available and best suited to establish paternity and establish, enforce and modify a support order.
  • Collect support payments.
  • Send child support to every parent or guardian that has a child support order.
  • Obtain or enforce an order for medical insurance coverage.
  • Upon request of either parent, review support orders for consistency with child support guidelines and determine if it might be appropriate to ask the court to modify the amount of the child support order and assist in processing requests for modification of the order.
  • Select and implement appropriate enforcement remedies, such as bank levies, tax refund intercepts and credit reporting, to collect overdue support if the case meets our criteria for the enforcement action.
  • Locate the other parent in order to establish paternity or enforce/modify a child support order.
  • Establish paternity if a child was born out of wedlock.
  • Arrange for paternity testing for both parents and the child.
In addition to the above, DOR has a program called the Payment Intercept Program (PIP), which identifies pending insurance claim payments owed to parents who have child support debts and intercepts them. As such, it sends the money to the parent who is owed support, and decreases the chances of that family needing public assistance.

To obtain DOR services, complete their application here: DOR Application. You can also find more information on DOR and their programs at this link: Massachusetts Department of Revenue Child Support Enforcement.

REMEMBER: DOR cannot help you with issues relating to parenting time and custody, and they do not represent the parent who is being asked to pay child support. If you can, it's best to retain an experienced Family Law Attorney to assist you in those matters.

(c)2015 by Law Office of Leila J. Wons The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established. In accordance with rules established by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, this blog must be labeled "advertising."

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